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Sand coprosma is a low-growing shrub with slender, flexible, sprawling to prostrate branches and branchlets. It forms a more or less cushion-like mass up to 2 meters across, occasionally reaching up to 2 meters tall when supported (though mostly low in stature). The numerous branchlets have orange-brown bark and are pubescent when young.

Sand coprosma is endemic to New Zealand and is naturally found near the coast throughout the country. It thrives in windy, coastal areas that experience dry winds. The small needle-like leaves give it a unique appearance, and when both male and female plants are present, they produce attractive smoky blue berries after tiny flowers bloom.

This hardy plant tolerates extended dry periods, wind, moderate frost, poor soils, and coastal conditions. It’s an ideal choice for tough locations, often used as a groundcover, in borders, or mass planted on slopes. Sand coprosma plays a role in holding together sand dunes, contributing to coastal ecosystem stability. Plus, its small white fruit is a favorite snack for skinks!

So, if you’re looking for a resilient coastal plant with unique features, consider planting sand coprosma in your New Zealand landscape!

Sand Coprosmsa | Coprosma acerosa

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